
Samsung galaxy tab t805s
Samsung galaxy tab t805s

samsung galaxy tab t805s

Thankfully the burn-in of those image s are not as prominent. If you have a white background you can see there is more burn in on the bottom and right hand portion of the screen. The only time that you can't see it is when you are looking at dark colors. There is a prominent ghosting of 'Galaxy Tab' that can be seen in the center of the screen on most things that you do. I had to adjust to the weight of this tablet, I risk hand strain whenever I hold it one handed.Seller described the device having minor screen burn-in which I think is a misrepresentation.

samsung galaxy tab t805s samsung galaxy tab t805s

I am upgrading from a Neand performance on that is better than this Galaxy Tab in terms of smoothness and speed. Performance feels a little janky which was a surprise, even when it was updated to 5.0 lollipop.

Samsung galaxy tab t805s